APA in fibromyalgia patients

APA in fibromyalgia patientsThesis by Claire Colas

Supervisors: David HUPIN & Leonard FEASSON

Title: Efficiency of an optimized care organization in fibromyalgia patients. Interventional study aiming to change behaviour in terms of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle: the From Intent To Move (FIMOUV) study.

Fibromyalgia affects 2% of the adult population. This syndrome is characterized by multiple symptoms including pain, fatigue and sleep disorders, altering patient’s quality of life. Actually, no treatment can cure FM. Pharmacological management is not always effective and often cause undesirable effects. Nonpharmacological therapies should be advocated as a firstline treatment for patients suffering from fibromyalgia, such as the practice of a regular physical activity, exercise being “the only ‘strong for’ therapy-based recommendation” in the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) guidelines.

Thus, in this randomized study, we want to optimize the care pathways of patients suffering from fibromyalgia by offering a supervised adapted physical activity (APA) program, added to therapeutic patient education sessions VS usual clinical practice (advice for independent practice of physical activity + therapeutic patient education).

The primary objective of this study is to measure the effectiveness of a healthcare organization offering APA for FM patients through an objective measure of physical activity at one year (average measured from 7 days of accelerometry).

The secondary objectives will evaluate the impact on the lifestyle (average time of physical activity and sedentary behavior, measured by accelerometry during 7 days), health status, fatigue, sleep, psychic distress, muscular strength and endurance, physical capacity, tolerance to pain and fatigue during training sessions, membership to physical activity, evaluation of the differential cost-effectiveness ratio, and finally an estimate of the budgetary impact of this care strategy.

Contract duration: 09/2019 to 09/2022

Funding: PREPS  2018 + AOL CHU St Etienne