Manon Rojo EN

Manon RojoPhD Student

Nationality : French


> National water safety and rescue certificate
> First aid certification, Levels 1 and 2
> BSc in Engineering and Ergonomics of Physical Activity
> Master in Engineering and Ergonomics of Physical Activity, Human Mobility section


> Semester of study at the University of Laval in Canada
> Master 1 research internship (February 2021, biomechanics theme): Effect of two implants on the rigidity of SawBones® composite bones for the fixation of supramalleolar corrective osteotomies. Supervised by Doctor Julia GREENFIELD
> Master 1 research internship (May and June 2021, physiology theme): Validation of the muscle characteristics of the Townes mouse model. Supervised by Professor Laurent Messonier
> Master's internship 2 (February to July 2022): Evolution of the structural and functional characteristics of the skeletal striated muscle of the Townes sickle cell mouse in response to therapy by GBT and/or training.

Research project: Individualized training, guided by mobile app, to counter fatigue in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.